Hey there! Thanks for popping over to the place i call HOME! My name is Cajun. Still an early adult (21) and new mom to a precious baby boy named after his wonderful father, Ryan!
My passion and love for writing in a small town where there is so much to explore has lead me to start a blog, and i hope to keep you around throughout the journey.
In the midst of fulfilling my life long dream of writing, i do a lot of singing, reading, cardio, reading other peoples blogs - and drink numerous amounts of coffee to help me to be able to do ALL of that.
My goal for my blog is to watch it grow across the world and to some how touch peoples lives. I want to change the world one blog post at a time.
For a collaboration feel free to contact me at inthebusinessofblogging@gmail.com
You can also check me out on my social site below!
I look forward to sharing my life with you!